Friday, December 09, 2016


The land of my birth is on fire! Bamenda, Cameroon, my hometown weeps...

For so many years, Cameroonians have been led to believe that we live in peace when in reality, a select few live inside a fragile bubble of privilege. They bask under advantages bestowed upon them by birth, tribe or language. 

As a result, the Anglophone minority has put up with minimal compassion and maximum manipulation. We have been kicked in the teeth and told that it is their own fault, as our young men die out on the streets.

ALL CAMEROONIANS need to stand up and take the necessary steps to bring about change.
This country needs us! Standing by the sideline is not an option.

So whether you identify as Anglophone or Francophone, it is time to raise your voice.
Change is calling … Shout out in reply!

BUT we must proceed with caution…

In a country with teeming millions caught in the quagmire of poverty, and where lives are expendable to the leaders; a violent reformation will cause wide spread suffering, with no guarantee that such a change will be for the better.

We need to organize, strategize and bring down corrupt leaders with non-violent activism.

I believe, this generation, we are the ones!
We will break free from the chains of ignorance which bind us.
We will bring down the corrupt social hierarchy and bring equality to all.
We have a choice, we have our voice!

We will be Legends of Positive Change.

Madelle Kangha

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